Do you need some help thinking of ways to add value to your customers with your Social Media posts? Here is an A to Z of idea of things you can post.
A: Advice – offer advice to your customers in your area of expertise
B: Behind the scenes – show pictures of your staff at work or preparing for a special event
C: Client – has one of your clients done something great? Share their post
D: Dates – remind people of upcoming dates, but remember: keep it relevant to your business
E: Event – promote an upcoming event, either yours or a local event
F: Funny picture – everyone loves funny stuff, find funnies that are relevant to your business
G: Giveaway – do a giveaway, but make sure you check the rules of the platform you’re posting on
H: How To – tell your followers how to do something that will help them save time
I: Inspirational Quote – everyone loves a good quote, especially when they are picture quotes
J: Just Be You – don’t try and be something you’re not, be authentic.
K: Knowledge sharing – you’re the expert in your field, share this knowledge with your Followers
L: Link – found a great link? Let your Followers in on it too
M: Mascot – does your business have a mascot? A pet or something everyone sees when they come in? Don’t forget to let your Followers know what your mascot is up to
N: Newsletter – do you have a newsletter? Make sure you post a link
O: Opinion – has something happened that you/your business has an opinion on? Express it
P: Product – focus on one of your products, what makes it so great? Have you had some great reviews – share them
Q: Question – ask a question of your Followers, what do they want to know, what are they thinking about?
R: Recipe – share a recipe with your Followers – everyone has to eat!
S: Supplier – has your supplier shared something recently, make sure your Followers are in on the news
T: Tips & Tricks – give your Followers some tips to save time or money, everyone loves to save
U: Unique Perspective – remember you have a unique perspective on your industry, don’t forget to share this
V: Video – create a video, share with your followers
W: Weather – is your business effected by the weather? Give an update
X: e(X)plain something – have an expert staff member explain a commonly misunderstood area of your business
Y: Your story – always remember to tell your story
Z: Zoom in on someone – has there been some exciting news from your staff